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It is easy to sign up and help deliver a Green Square Mile project.


The Green Square Mile is an Ibex Earth led initiative that aims to explore the vital role that cities, corporations and financial institutions can play in helping to preserve global biodiversity.  

We believe that organisations based in and around the City of London can be a major driver of biodiversity conservation and the Green Square Mile will act as a platform to provide businesses with a proactive role in designing and implementing sustainable solutions with governments. 

In a resource constrained world and with a global population that will reach close to 10 billion by 2050, it is no surprise that businesses are now placing greater emphasis and importance on ensuring that they include biodiversity issues in business models and sustainability strategies going forward. 

The Green Square Mile is not just an initiative to make you look good in front of your staff or stakeholders, nor is it to simply create good public relations. Instead, it is to demonstrate how biodiversity loss and degradation can impact upon the future profit margins of a business and how these should be material considerations in all investment decisions. 

Initially our focus is to engage businesses and individuals to help deliver a series of  'Green Square Miles', which protect an area - known as a 'biodiversity hotspot' - that is equivalent in size to at least one square mile.  

Each project is developed in collaboration with one of the world’s leading conservation charities and designed to tackle and raise awareness about a pressing environmental issue, which could include the poaching crisis or establishing sustainable finance solutions for ocean fisheries.


Our charity partners include Fauna & Flora International, Tusk, Galapagos Conservation Trust, Synchronicity Earth, Helping Rhinos and Island Conservation.

Once a Green Square Mile project has been formalised it is then approved through a consultation with our Advisory Board, which consists of representatives from some of the City of London's leading corporate organisations. 

In order to fund a project we establish a consortium of businesses that each commit to fund an element of their Green Square Mile. A project will official launch when pledges reach £25,000 and there is a funding cap on each project of a total of £75,000.

The projects are funded over a three-year period and the preferred finance model is to work with five businesses per project who agree to an annual payment of £5,000 per annum for three years - equating to a total contribution of just £15,000.


You can of course opt to donate more or less but importantly all of the funding you commit will go directly to the charity you are supporting. The following page details some of the funding options that are available to you - How it Works

Find out more about our Green Square Mile projects below or drop us an email at to discuss in more detail. 

© Ibex Earth. All rights reserved 2017

Company No. 06705834


112 St Martin's Lane, London, WC2N 4BD. | contact

Placing conservation at the heart of the City of London

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