It is easy to sign up and help deliver a Green Square Mile project.

The Green Square Mile has been established by the NGO Ibex Earth, which sets out to instigate long-term, sustainable change for our planet.
The initiative is Ibex Earth's flagship conservation programme and was designed as a means of engaging businesses based in and around the City of London with the importance of biodiversity conservation and why businesses should ensure that this is embedded into their business models and sustainability strategies.
Essentially, each member of our delivery team has extensive experience of delivering award winning CSR projects and working with the private sector.
As an organisation we facilitate a huge network from the private, public, third and academic sectors with the aim of connecting them and developing solutions to some of the most pressing environmental issues impacting upon our planet today.
We run a programme called Creating Sustainable Cities, which has an outreach to all 353 local authorities in England. It sets out to embed sustainability across our cities and towns and find solutions to common challenges around delivering sustainable energy, improving air quality
and transport.
Through our Ambassadors programme we have a social media outreach of over one million people and that is growing daily. We have set in a place a fantastic network of organisations and it is now our ambition to utilise that to make a truly positive impact upon our planet.
If you would like to find out more about the Green Square Mile and arrange a time to discuss with a member of our team please email hello@ibexearth.com

The Green Square Mile is an initiative designed and delivered by Ibex Earth. The team consists of Chris Livemore and Ronald Ndoro who combined have a wealth of experience of working on award winning CSR programmes.